Black Friday discounts have been activated. No codes required. Automatically deducted WHEN ALL items are in your cart. Each of the deals are independent categories. In other words, buying a drum loop volume qualifies you for free additional drum loop volumes, not something in other categories.
Sorry for so much explaining: You MUST place the full number item in your cart before the freebie/discount triggers. As you fill your cart, he soon-to-be free items show will their normal price UNTIL you get ALL items in your cart. Then all of the freebies will go from $ to 0.
Most Drum Loops: Buy 1, Get 3 More Free
(Free ones will show as normal price until FOUR drum loops volumes are in your cart. Offer does not include new products such as "Americana" and "Psychedelic 60s.")
Drum Tracks: Buy 1, Get 1 Free
(Discount triggers with every 2, 4, 6, etc., tracks in your cart.
Instrument Loops and Construction Sets: Buy 1, Get 2 More Free
(Free ones do not trigger until THREE are in your cart.)
New Products like Psychedelic 60s and America Sessions: 15% off
My Co-Writer: Buy 1, Get More 2 Free
(Free ones do not trigger until THREE volumes are in your cart.)
Expires Midnight MST Nov 30, 2023. Free products are the equal or lesser-priced items.
Discounts will activate in your cart when the full number of products are placed there. Should we explain it one more time? (-:
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