Showcase Your Music

Get you or band showcased on the Drums On Demand web site or here on the blog. Submit a track with the additional info below. The featured track must obviously include our products. Cut and paste the list below into an email message, fill it out, attach the MP3, and then email it to "info at sign drums on demand dot com." We reserve the right to make final showcase decisions. We have really been enjoying the submissions we’ve been receiving and are continually integrating them into our web site, blog and other places.

1) You/Your Band Name.
2) Web site URL or social media page
3) Style of music you make.
4) An MP3 or YouTube link of video of your music (using our products).
5) Is this track featured on a released CD? (Or have you used DOD on a released CD?)
6) Software you use Drums On Demand products in.
7) A sentence or two about about how our products help you in your songwriting and/or production.